Data overview

The GWAS summary datasets are currently organised into the following 19 batches:

Batch Description Count
bbj-a Biobank Japan release of disease traits 120
ebi-a Datasets that satisfy minimum requirements imported from the EBI database of complete GWAS summary data 6,328
eqtl-a eQTLGen 2019 results, comprising all cis and some trans regions of gene expression in whole blood 19,942
finn-b FinnGen biobank analysis round 5 2,803
ieu-a GWAS summary datasets generated by many different consortia that have been manually collected and curated, initially developed for MR-Base 436
ieu-b GWAS summary datasets generated by many different consortia that have been manually collected and curated, initially developed for MR-Base (round 2) 277
met-a Human blood metabolites analysed by Shin et al 2014 452
met-b Human immune system traits analysed by Roederer et al 2015 150
met-c Circulating metabolites analysed by Kettunen et al 2016 123
met-d Metabolic biomarkers in the UK Biobank measured by Nightingale Health 2020 249
prot-a Complete GWAS summary data on protein levels as described by Sun et al 2018 3,282
prot-b Complete GWAS summary data on protein levels as described by Folkersen et al 2017 83
prot-c Complete GWAS summary data on protein levels as described by Suhre et al 2017 1,124
ubm-a Complete GWAS summary data on brain region volumes as described by Elliott et al 2018 3,143
ukb-a Neale lab analysis of UK Biobank phenotypes, round 1 596
ukb-b IEU analysis of UK Biobank phenotypes 2,514
ukb-d Neale lab analysis of UK Biobank phenotypes, round 2 838
ukb-e Pan-ancestry genetic analysis of the UK Biobank performed at the Broad Institute 3,803
ubm-b An expanded set of genome-wide association studies of brain imaging phenotypes in UK Biobank by Elliott et al 2021 3,935