GWAS ID | Year | Trait | Consortium | Sample size | Number of SNPs |
ukb-d-30897_irnt | 2018 | Estimated sample dilution factor | NA | — | 13,585,996 |
ukb-d-30897_raw | 2018 | Estimated sample dilution factor | NA | — | 13,585,996 |
prot-c-3847_56_2 | 2019 | ETHE1 | NA | — | 501,428 |
finn-b-H8_EUSTSALP | 2021 | Eustachian salpingitis and obstruction | NA | — | 16,380,431 |
finn-b-VWXY20_EVIDE_ALCOHOL_INVOLVM_DETERM_BLOOD_ALCOHOL_LEVEL | 2021 | Evidence of alcohol involvement determined by blood alcohol level | NA | — | 16,380,465 |
Data overview
The GWAS summary datasets information is not available at this time.