GWAS ID | Year | Trait | Consortium | Sample size | Number of SNPs |
finn-b-ST19_COMPLICATIO_SURGI_MEDICAL_CARE_NOT_ELSEW_CLASSIFIED | 2021 | Complications of surgical and medical care, not elsewhere classified | NA | — | 16,380,466 |
finn-b-O15_PUERP_COMPL_NAS | 2021 | Complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified | NA | — | 16,379,727 |
finn-b-ST19_COMPLICATIO_PECUL_REATTACHM_AMPUT | 2021 | Complications peculiar to reattachment and amputation | NA | — | 16,380,395 |
finn-b-O15_COMPLIC_PUERP | 2021 | Complications predominantly related to the puerperium | NA | — | 16,379,784 |
prot-c-4543_65_2 | 2019 | CONA1 | NA | — | 501,428 |
Data overview
The GWAS summary datasets information is not available at this time.