GWAS ID | Year | Trait | Consortium | Sample size | Number of SNPs |
finn-b-G6_AD_WIDE_EXMORE | 2021 | "Alzheimer<c3><95>s disease, wide definition" (more controls excluded) | NA | — | 16,379,561 |
finn-b-KRA_PSY_ALCOH_EXMORE | 2021 | "Alcohol abuse, main dg" (more controls excluded) | NA | — | 16,380,169 |
finn-b-ST19_ALIQU_COMPLICATI_PRAECO_TRAUMAT | 2021 | !Aliquae complicationes praecoces traumatis | NA | — | 16,380,466 |
finn-b-VWXY20_VAPAA_TAPATURMAT | 2021 | !!!Vapaa-ajan tapaturmat | NA | — | 16,380,465 |
Data overview
The GWAS summary datasets information is not available at this time.