GWAS ID | Year | Trait | Consortium | Sample size | Number of SNPs |
finn-b-Q17_CONGEN_MALFO_RESPI_SYSTEM | 2021 | Congenital malformations of the respiratory system | NA | — | 16,380,466 |
finn-b-ST19_COMPLICATIO_PROCED_NOT_ELSEW_CLASSIFIED | 2021 | Complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified | NA | — | 16,380,463 |
finn-b-L12_PEMPHIGOID | 2021 | Pemphigoid | NA | — | 16,380,466 |
finn-b-R18_SYMPTOMS_SIGNS_INVOLVI_COGNITION_PERCEP_EMOTIONAL_STATE_BEHVI | 2021 | Symptoms and signs involving cognition, perception, emotional state and behaviour | NA | — | 16,380,466 |
finn-b-M13_INTERVERTEB | 2021 | Other intervertebral disc disorders | NA | — | 16,380,337 |
Data overview
The GWAS summary datasets are currently organised into the following 18 batches: