"fileformat": "VCFv4.2",
"FILTER": "<ID=PASS,Description=\"All filters passed\">",
"INFO": "<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Allele Frequency\">",
"FORMAT": "<ID=ES,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Effect size estimate relative to the alternative allele\">",
"FORMAT.1": "<ID=SE,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Standard error of effect size estimate\">",
"FORMAT.2": "<ID=LP,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"-log10 p-value for effect estimate\">",
"FORMAT.3": "<ID=AF,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Alternate allele frequency in the association study\">",
"FORMAT.4": "<ID=SS,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Sample size used to estimate genetic effect\">",
"FORMAT.5": "<ID=EZ,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Z-score provided if it was used to derive the EFFECT and SE fields\">",
"FORMAT.6": "<ID=SI,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Accuracy score of summary data imputation\">",
"FORMAT.7": "<ID=NC,Number=A,Type=Float,Description=\"Number of cases used to estimate genetic effect\">",
"FORMAT.8": "<ID=ID,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Study variant identifier\">",
"META": "<ID=TotalVariants,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of variants in input\">",
"META.1": "<ID=VariantsNotRead,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Number of variants that could not be read\">",
"META.2": "<ID=HarmonisedVariants,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of harmonised variants\">",
"META.3": "<ID=VariantsNotHarmonised,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of variants that could not be harmonised\">",
"META.4": "<ID=SwitchedAlleles,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of variants strand switched\">",
"META.5": "<ID=TotalControls,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of controls in the association study\">",
"META.6": "<ID=TotalCases,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Total number of cases in the association study\">",
"META.7": "<ID=StudyType,Number=1,Type=String,Description=\"Type of GWAS study [Continuous or CaseControl]\">",
"SAMPLE": "<ID=ukb-d-20532,TotalVariants=13557164,VariantsNotRead=0,HarmonisedVariants=13557164,VariantsNotHarmonised=0,SwitchedAlleles=229,StudyType=Continuous>",
"contig": "<ID=1,length=249250621,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.1": "<ID=2,length=243199373,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.2": "<ID=3,length=198022430,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.3": "<ID=4,length=191154276,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.4": "<ID=5,length=180915260,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.5": "<ID=6,length=171115067,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.6": "<ID=7,length=159138663,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.7": "<ID=8,length=146364022,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.8": "<ID=9,length=141213431,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.9": "<ID=10,length=135534747,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.10": "<ID=11,length=135006516,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.11": "<ID=12,length=133851895,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.12": "<ID=13,length=115169878,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.13": "<ID=14,length=107349540,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.14": "<ID=15,length=102531392,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.15": "<ID=16,length=90354753,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.16": "<ID=17,length=81195210,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.17": "<ID=18,length=78077248,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.18": "<ID=19,length=59128983,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.19": "<ID=20,length=63025520,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.20": "<ID=21,length=48129895,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.21": "<ID=22,length=51304566,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.22": "<ID=X,length=155270560,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.23": "<ID=Y,length=59373566,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.24": "<ID=MT,length=16569,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.25": "<ID=GL000207.1,length=4262,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.26": "<ID=GL000226.1,length=15008,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.27": "<ID=GL000229.1,length=19913,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.28": "<ID=GL000231.1,length=27386,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.29": "<ID=GL000210.1,length=27682,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.30": "<ID=GL000239.1,length=33824,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.31": "<ID=GL000235.1,length=34474,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.32": "<ID=GL000201.1,length=36148,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.33": "<ID=GL000247.1,length=36422,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.34": "<ID=GL000245.1,length=36651,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.35": "<ID=GL000197.1,length=37175,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.36": "<ID=GL000203.1,length=37498,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.37": "<ID=GL000246.1,length=38154,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.38": "<ID=GL000249.1,length=38502,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.39": "<ID=GL000196.1,length=38914,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.40": "<ID=GL000248.1,length=39786,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.41": "<ID=GL000244.1,length=39929,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.42": "<ID=GL000238.1,length=39939,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.43": "<ID=GL000202.1,length=40103,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.44": "<ID=GL000234.1,length=40531,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.45": "<ID=GL000232.1,length=40652,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.46": "<ID=GL000206.1,length=41001,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.47": "<ID=GL000240.1,length=41933,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.48": "<ID=GL000236.1,length=41934,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.49": "<ID=GL000241.1,length=42152,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.50": "<ID=GL000243.1,length=43341,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.51": "<ID=GL000242.1,length=43523,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.52": "<ID=GL000230.1,length=43691,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.53": "<ID=GL000237.1,length=45867,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.54": "<ID=GL000233.1,length=45941,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.55": "<ID=GL000204.1,length=81310,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.56": "<ID=GL000198.1,length=90085,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.57": "<ID=GL000208.1,length=92689,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.58": "<ID=GL000191.1,length=106433,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.59": "<ID=GL000227.1,length=128374,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.60": "<ID=GL000228.1,length=129120,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.61": "<ID=GL000214.1,length=137718,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.62": "<ID=GL000221.1,length=155397,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.63": "<ID=GL000209.1,length=159169,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.64": "<ID=GL000218.1,length=161147,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.65": "<ID=GL000220.1,length=161802,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.66": "<ID=GL000213.1,length=164239,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.67": "<ID=GL000211.1,length=166566,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.68": "<ID=GL000199.1,length=169874,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.69": "<ID=GL000217.1,length=172149,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.70": "<ID=GL000216.1,length=172294,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.71": "<ID=GL000215.1,length=172545,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.72": "<ID=GL000205.1,length=174588,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.73": "<ID=GL000219.1,length=179198,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.74": "<ID=GL000224.1,length=179693,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.75": "<ID=GL000223.1,length=180455,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.76": "<ID=GL000195.1,length=182896,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.77": "<ID=GL000212.1,length=186858,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.78": "<ID=GL000222.1,length=186861,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.79": "<ID=GL000200.1,length=187035,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.80": "<ID=GL000193.1,length=189789,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.81": "<ID=GL000194.1,length=191469,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.82": "<ID=GL000225.1,length=211173,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"contig.83": "<ID=GL000192.1,length=547496,assembly=HG19/GRCh37>",
"gwas_harmonisation_command": "--json /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532_data.json --ref /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/QC/genomes/b37/human_g1k_v37.fasta; 1.1.1",
"file_date": "2019-11-25T16:11:21.092880",
"bcftools_annotateVersion": "1.9-74-g6af271c+htslib-1.9-64-g226b4a8",
"bcftools_annotateCommand": "annotate -a /mnt/storage/home/gh13047/mr-eve/vcf-reference-datasets/dbsnp/dbsnp.v153.b37.vcf.gz -c ID -o /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532.vcf.gz -O z /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532_data.vcf.gz; Date=Mon Nov 25 16:41:03 2019",
"bcftools_viewVersion": "1.9-74-g6af271c+htslib-1.9-64-g226b4a8",
"bcftools_viewCommand": "view -h /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/public/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532.vcf.gz; Date=Sun May 10 14:22:19 2020"
* LD Score Regression (LDSC)
* Version 1.0.1
* (C) 2014-2019 Brendan Bulik-Sullivan and Hilary Finucane
* Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard / MIT Department of Mathematics
* GNU General Public License v3
./ldsc.py \
--h2 /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532.vcf.gz \
--ref-ld-chr /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/reference/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--out /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ldsc.txt \
--w-ld-chr /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/reference/eur_w_ld_chr/
Beginning analysis at Mon Nov 25 17:15:14 2019
Reading summary statistics from /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/ukb-d-import/processed/ukb-d-20532/ukb-d-20532.vcf.gz ...
Read summary statistics for 13557164 SNPs.
Dropped 12672 SNPs with duplicated rs numbers.
Reading reference panel LD Score from /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/reference/eur_w_ld_chr/[1-22] ...
Read reference panel LD Scores for 1290028 SNPs.
Removing partitioned LD Scores with zero variance.
Reading regression weight LD Score from /mnt/storage/private/mrcieu/research/scratch/IGD/data/dev/reference/eur_w_ld_chr/[1-22] ...
Read regression weight LD Scores for 1290028 SNPs.
After merging with reference panel LD, 1283501 SNPs remain.
After merging with regression SNP LD, 1283501 SNPs remain.
Using two-step estimator with cutoff at 30.
Total Observed scale h2: 0.0255 (0.0089)
Lambda GC: 1.0223
Mean Chi^2: 1.0278
Intercept: 0.9988 (0.0059)
Ratio < 0 (usually indicates GC correction).
Analysis finished at Mon Nov 25 17:18:06 2019
Total time elapsed: 2.0m:52.07s
"af_correlation": 0.9521,
"inflation_factor": 1.0169,
"mean_EFFECT": -0,
"n": 57086,
"n_snps": 13557164,
"n_clumped_hits": 0,
"n_p_sig": 1,
"n_mono": 0,
"n_ns": 1250819,
"n_mac": 0,
"is_snpid_unique": false,
"n_miss_EFFECT": 0,
"n_miss_SE": 0,
"n_miss_PVAL": 0,
"n_miss_AF": 0,
"n_miss_AF_reference": 561150,
"n_est": 57250.2505,
"ratio_se_n": 1.0014,
"mean_diff": -0,
"ratio_diff": 28.6244,
"sd_y_est1": 0.3995,
"sd_y_est2": 0.4001,
"r2_sum1": 0,
"r2_sum2": 0,
"r2_sum3": 0,
"r2_sum4": 0,
"ldsc_nsnp_merge_refpanel_ld": 1283501,
"ldsc_nsnp_merge_regression_ld": 1283501,
"ldsc_observed_scale_h2_beta": 0.0255,
"ldsc_observed_scale_h2_se": 0.0089,
"ldsc_intercept_beta": 0.9988,
"ldsc_intercept_se": 0.0059,
"ldsc_lambda_gc": 1.0223,
"ldsc_mean_chisq": 1.0278,
"ldsc_ratio": -0.0432
name | value |
name | value |
af_correlation | FALSE |
inflation_factor | FALSE |
n | FALSE |
is_snpid_non_unique | TRUE |
mean_EFFECT_nonfinite | FALSE |
mean_EFFECT_05 | FALSE |
mean_EFFECT_01 | FALSE |
mean_chisq | FALSE |
n_p_sig | FALSE |
miss_SE | FALSE |
miss_PVAL | FALSE |
ldsc_ratio | FALSE |
ldsc_intercept_beta | FALSE |
n_clumped_hits | FALSE |
r2_sum1 | FALSE |
r2_sum2 | FALSE |
r2_sum3 | FALSE |
r2_sum4 | FALSE |
General metrics
: Correlation coefficient between AF
and AF_reference
): Genomic inflation factor.mean_EFFECT
: Mean of EFFECT
: Maximum value of reported sample size across all SNPs, n.n_clumped_hits
: Number of clumped hits.n_snps
: Number of SNPsn_p_sig
: Number of SNPs with pvalue below 5e-8
: Number of monomorphic (MAF == 1
or MAF == 0
) SNPs.n_ns
: Number of SNPs with nonsense values:
A, C, G or T
.< 0
or > 1
.<= 0
or = Infinity
).< 0
or > 1
: Number of cases where MAC
(2×N×MAF) is less than 6
: true
if the combination of ID
is unique and therefore no duplication in snpid.n_miss_<*>
: Number of NA
observations for <*>
column.se_n metrics
: Estimated sample size value, ˆn.ratio_se_n
: ratio_se_n=√ˆn√n. We expect ratio_se_n
to be 1. When it is not 1, it implies that the trait did not have a variance of 1, the reported sample size is wrong, or that the SNP-level effective sample sizes differ markedly from the reported sample size.mean_diff
: mean_diff=∑j^βstdj−βjn_snps, mean difference between the standardised beta, predicted from P-values, and the observed beta. The difference should be very close to zero if trait has a variance of 1.
: ratio_diff=|mean_diffmean_diff2|, absolute ratio between the mean of diff
and the mean of diff2
(expected difference between the standardised beta predicted from P-values, and the standardised beta derived from the observed beta divided by the predicted SD; NOT reported). The ratio should be close to 1. If different from 1, then implies that the betas are not in a standard deviation scale.
: The standard deviation for the trait inferred from the reported sample size, median standard errors for the SNP-trait assocations and SNP variances.
: The standard deviation for the trait inferred from the reported sample size, Z statistics for the SNP-trait effects (beta/se) and allele frequency.
r2 metrics
Sum of variance explained, calculated from the clumped top hits sample.
: r2
statistics under various assumptions
: r2=∑j2×β2j×MAFj×(1−MAFj)var1, var1=1.2
: r2=∑j2×β2j×MAFj×(1−MAFj)var2, var2=^sd1y2,3
: r2=∑j2×β2j×MAFj×(1−MAFj)var3, var3=^sd2y2,4
: r2=∑jFjFj+n−2, F=β2jse2j.LDSC metrics
Metrics from LD regression
: Number of remaining SNPs after merging with reference panel LD.ldsc_nsnp_merge_regression_ld
: Number of remaining SNPs after merging with regression SNP LD.ldsc_observed_scale_h2_{beta,se}
Coefficient value and SE for total observed scale h2.ldsc_intercept_{beta,se}
: Coefficient value and SE for intercept. Intercept is expected to be 1.ldsc_lambda_gc
: Lambda GC statistics.ldsc_mean_chisq
: Mean χ2 statistics.ldsc_ratio
: ldsc_intercept_beta−1ldsc_mean_chisq−1, the proportion of the inflation in the mean χ2 that the LD Score regression intercepts ascribes to causes other than polygenic heritability. The value of ratio should be close to zero, though in practice values of 0.1-0.2 are not uncommon, probably due to sample/reference LD Score mismatch or model misspecification (e.g., low LD variants have slightly higher h2 per SNP).Flags
When a metric needs attention, the flag should return TRUE.
: abs(af_correlation)
< 0.7.inflation_factor
: inflation_factor
> 1.2.n
: n
(max reported sample size) < 10000.is_snpid_non_unique
: NOT is_snpid_unique
: mean(EFFECT)
is NA
, NaN
, or Inf
: abs(mean(EFFECT))
> 0.5.mean_EFFECT_01
: abs(mean(EFFECT))
> 0.1.mean_chisq
: ldsc_mean_chisq
> 1.3 or ldsc_mean_chisq
< 0.7.n_p_sig
: n_p_sig
> 1000.miss_<*>
: n_miss_<*>
/ n_snps
> 0.01.ldsc_ratio
: ldsc_ratio
> 0.5ldsc_intercept_beta
: ldsc_intercept_beta
> 1.5n_clumped_hits
: n_clumped_hits
> 1000r2_sum<*>
: r2_sum<*>
> 0.5Plots
skim_type | skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | character.min | character.max | character.empty | character.n_unique | character.whitespace | numeric.mean | numeric.sd | numeric.p0 | numeric.p25 | numeric.p50 | numeric.p75 | numeric.p100 | numeric.hist |
skim_type | skim_variable | n_missing | complete_rate | character.min | character.max | character.empty | character.n_unique | character.whitespace | numeric.mean | numeric.sd | numeric.p0 | numeric.p25 | numeric.p50 | numeric.p75 | numeric.p100 | numeric.hist |
character | ID | 0 | 1.0000000 | 3 | 94 | 0 | 13545155 | 0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
character | REF | 0 | 1.0000000 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 57030 | 0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
character | ALT | 0 | 1.0000000 | 1 | 342 | 0 | 33315 | 0 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
numeric | CHROM | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 9.051384e+00 | 6.185000e+00 | 1.0000e+00 | 4.000000e+00 | 8.000000e+00 | 1.300000e+01 | 2.300000e+01 | ▇▅▅▂▂ |
numeric | POS | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 7.902450e+07 | 5.591661e+07 | 3.0200e+02 | 3.292669e+07 | 7.013818e+07 | 1.148581e+08 | 2.492309e+08 | ▇▆▅▂▁ |
numeric | EFFECT | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | -1.960000e-05 | 1.374130e-02 | -1.7514e-01 | -3.635800e-03 | 2.010000e-05 | 3.689400e-03 | 1.532530e-01 | ▁▁▇▁▁ |
numeric | SE | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 9.880400e-03 | 9.516300e-03 | 2.0074e-03 | 2.826200e-03 | 5.193100e-03 | 1.418160e-02 | 4.885650e-02 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
numeric | PVAL | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4.971438e-01 | 2.891933e-01 | 0.0000e+00 | 2.463911e-01 | 4.964037e-01 | 7.471486e-01 | 1.000000e+00 | ▇▇▇▇▇ |
numeric | PVAL_ztest | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 4.971410e-01 | 2.891950e-01 | 0.0000e+00 | 2.463865e-01 | 4.964012e-01 | 7.471484e-01 | 1.000000e+00 | ▇▇▇▇▇ |
numeric | AF | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1.911908e-01 | 2.544969e-01 | 1.0000e-03 | 7.532200e-03 | 6.050900e-02 | 2.961100e-01 | 9.990000e-01 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
numeric | AF_reference | 561150 | 0.9586086 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 1.966141e-01 | 2.471585e-01 | 0.0000e+00 | 5.790700e-03 | 8.466450e-02 | 3.087060e-01 | 1.000000e+00 | ▇▂▁▁▁ |
numeric | N | 0 | 1.0000000 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 5.708600e+04 | 0.000000e+00 | 5.7086e+04 | 5.708600e+04 | 5.708600e+04 | 5.708600e+04 | 5.708600e+04 | ▁▁▇▁▁ |
CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | EFFECT | SE | PVAL | PVAL_ztest | AF | AF_reference | N |
CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | EFFECT | SE | PVAL | PVAL_ztest | AF | AF_reference | N |
1 | 692794 | rs530212009 | CA | C | -0.0018696 | 0.0041157 | 0.6496508 | 0.6496498 | 0.1121430 | 0.1894970 | 57086 |
1 | 693731 | rs12238997 | A | G | 0.0010335 | 0.0038935 | 0.7906768 | 0.7906767 | 0.1171340 | 0.1417730 | 57086 |
1 | 707522 | rs371890604 | G | C | 0.0018916 | 0.0043629 | 0.6646056 | 0.6646038 | 0.0988309 | 0.1293930 | 57086 |
1 | 717587 | rs144155419 | G | A | -0.0100285 | 0.0104427 | 0.3368930 | 0.3368862 | 0.0158264 | 0.0045926 | 57086 |
1 | 723329 | rs189787166 | A | T | -0.0151728 | 0.0302280 | 0.6157069 | 0.6157061 | 0.0018189 | 0.0003994 | 57086 |
1 | 730087 | rs148120343 | T | C | -0.0019080 | 0.0054267 | 0.7251402 | 0.7251393 | 0.0569421 | 0.0127796 | 57086 |
1 | 731718 | rs142557973 | T | C | -0.0004074 | 0.0036910 | 0.9121140 | 0.9121137 | 0.1232400 | 0.1543530 | 57086 |
1 | 732032 | rs61770163 | A | C | 0.0001596 | 0.0039341 | 0.9676460 | 0.9676462 | 0.1225970 | 0.1555510 | 57086 |
1 | 734349 | rs141242758 | T | C | -0.0000655 | 0.0036922 | 0.9858410 | 0.9858406 | 0.1225390 | 0.1525560 | 57086 |
1 | 740284 | rs61770167 | C | T | 0.0200988 | 0.0168017 | 0.2316098 | 0.2316044 | 0.0059132 | 0.0023962 | 57086 |
CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | EFFECT | SE | PVAL | PVAL_ztest | AF | AF_reference | N |
CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | EFFECT | SE | PVAL | PVAL_ztest | AF | AF_reference | N |
23 | 154923311 | rs141127553 | C | T | 0.0005712 | 0.0044516 | 0.8978970 | 0.8978964 | 0.0557881 | 0.0309934 | 57086 |
23 | 154923374 | rs111332691 | T | A | -0.0066918 | 0.0049037 | 0.1723709 | 0.1723649 | 0.0440914 | 0.0116556 | 57086 |
23 | 154925045 | rs509981 | C | T | 0.0004084 | 0.0023406 | 0.8615040 | 0.8615036 | 0.2456070 | 0.3634440 | 57086 |
23 | 154925895 | rs538470 | C | T | 0.0007869 | 0.0023934 | 0.7423112 | 0.7423103 | 0.2419310 | 0.3634440 | 57086 |
23 | 154927581 | rs644138 | G | A | 0.0006288 | 0.0022017 | 0.7752004 | 0.7751987 | 0.3018260 | 0.4635760 | 57086 |
23 | 154929412 | rs557132 | C | T | 0.0003740 | 0.0023411 | 0.8730600 | 0.8730595 | 0.2454980 | 0.3568210 | 57086 |
23 | 154929637 | rs35185538 | CT | C | 0.0007206 | 0.0024445 | 0.7681588 | 0.7681578 | 0.2294650 | 0.3011920 | 57086 |
23 | 154929952 | rs4012982 | CAA | C | 0.0009253 | 0.0024666 | 0.7075547 | 0.7075530 | 0.2391830 | 0.3165560 | 57086 |
23 | 154930230 | rs781880 | A | G | 0.0004213 | 0.0023405 | 0.8571470 | 0.8571467 | 0.2458390 | 0.3618540 | 57086 |
23 | 154930487 | rs781879 | T | A | -0.0084753 | 0.0079212 | 0.2846433 | 0.2846387 | 0.0196434 | 0.1263580 | 57086 |
1 692794 rs530212009 CA C . PASS AF=0.112143 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00186957:0.00411574:0.18732:0.112143:57086:1_692794_CA_C
1 693731 rs12238997 A G . PASS AF=0.117134 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00103347:0.00389354:0.102001:0.117134:57086:rs12238997
1 707522 rs371890604 G C . PASS AF=0.0988309 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0018916:0.00436289:0.177436:0.0988309:57086:rs371890604
1 717587 rs144155419 G A . PASS AF=0.0158264 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0100285:0.0104427:0.472508:0.0158264:57086:rs144155419
1 723329 rs189787166 A T . PASS AF=0.00181886 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0151728:0.030228:0.210626:0.00181886:57086:rs189787166
1 730087 rs148120343 T C . PASS AF=0.0569421 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00190802:0.0054267:0.139578:0.0569421:57086:rs148120343
1 731718 rs58276399 T C . PASS AF=0.12324 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000407387:0.00369101:0.0399509:0.12324:57086:rs58276399
1 732032 rs61770163 A C . PASS AF=0.122597 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.000159569:0.00393409:0.0142835:0.122597:57086:rs61770163
1 734349 rs141242758 T C . PASS AF=0.122539 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -6.5525e-05:0.00369216:0.00619312:0.122539:57086:rs141242758
1 740284 rs61770167 C T . PASS AF=0.00591323 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0200988:0.0168017:0.635243:0.00591323:57086:rs61770167
1 742813 rs112573343 C T . PASS AF=0.00181635 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0268109:0.0325818:0.386603:0.00181635:57086:rs112573343
1 749963 rs529266287 T TAA . PASS AF=0.868306 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000613278:0.00363412:0.0624871:0.868306:57086:rs529266287
1 750230 rs190826124 G C . PASS AF=0.00161524 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00475334:0.0319396:0.0546821:0.00161524:57086:rs190826124
1 751343 rs28544273 T A . PASS AF=0.124561 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.000616921:0.00359847:0.0635476:0.124561:57086:rs28544273
1 751488 rs200141114 G GA . PASS AF=0.143966 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.000866857:0.00356469:0.0926596:0.143966:57086:rs200141114
1 751756 rs28527770 T C . PASS AF=0.12465 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.000656106:0.00359378:0.0679633:0.12465:57086:rs28527770
1 753405 rs3115860 C A . PASS AF=0.86911 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00152969:0.00350413:0.178848:0.86911:57086:rs3115860
1 753425 rs3131970 T C . PASS AF=0.873739 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000790414:0.00355978:0.0839231:0.873739:57086:rs3131970
1 753541 rs2073813 G A . PASS AF=0.130309 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00178512:0.0035139:0.213644:0.130309:57086:rs2073813
1 754105 rs12184325 C T . PASS AF=0.036664 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0109233:0.00638545:1.05974:0.036664:57086:rs12184325
1 754182 rs3131969 A G . PASS AF=0.868752 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00176079:0.00350094:0.211123:0.868752:57086:rs3131969
1 754192 rs3131968 A G . PASS AF=0.86882 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00190293:0.00350172:0.231483:0.86882:57086:rs3131968
1 754334 rs3131967 T C . PASS AF=0.868754 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00175311:0.00350084:0.210042:0.868754:57086:rs3131967
1 754433 rs150578204 G A . PASS AF=0.00507136 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.033696:0.0180459:1.2085:0.00507136:57086:rs150578204
1 754458 rs142682604 G T . PASS AF=0.005042 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0338893:0.0180868:1.21484:0.005042:57086:rs142682604
1 755435 rs184270342 T G . PASS AF=0.005822 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00534015:0.0170891:0.122243:0.005822:57086:rs184270342
1 755890 rs3115858 A T . PASS AF=0.86877 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00174127:0.00349415:0.208837:0.86877:57086:rs3115858
1 756434 rs61768170 G C . PASS AF=0.12768 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00128847:0.00356535:0.143989:0.12768:57086:rs61768170
1 756604 rs3131962 A G . PASS AF=0.868286 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00171706:0.00348477:0.206067:0.868286:57086:rs3131962
1 757640 rs3115853 G A . PASS AF=0.86783 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00220403:0.00348401:0.278198:0.86783:57086:rs3115853
1 757734 rs4951929 C T . PASS AF=0.868493 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00184855:0.00348837:0.224629:0.868493:57086:rs4951929
1 757936 rs4951862 C A . PASS AF=0.868499 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00184284:0.00348862:0.223783:0.868499:57086:rs4951862
1 758144 rs3131956 A G . PASS AF=0.868502 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00184364:0.00348863:0.223899:0.868502:57086:rs3131956
1 758626 rs3131954 C T . PASS AF=0.868911 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0016463:0.00349755:0.195277:0.868911:57086:rs3131954
1 759293 rs10157329 T A . PASS AF=0.100387 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00108813:0.00405843:0.103138:0.100387:57086:rs10157329
1 759600 rs545998451 AGT A . PASS AF=0.00677145 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.0053042:0.0154274:0.136091:0.00677145:57086:1_759600_AGT_A
1 759837 rs3115851 T A . PASS AF=0.872926 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000612354:0.00354985:0.0639671:0.872926:57086:rs3115851
1 761732 rs2286139 C T . PASS AF=0.862404 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0023521:0.00348259:0.301524:0.862404:57086:rs2286139
1 761752 rs1057213 C T . PASS AF=0.867591 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0013544:0.00351604:0.154849:0.867591:57086:rs1057213
1 762273 rs3115849 G A . PASS AF=0.864803 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00141735:0.00352035:0.162897:0.864803:57086:rs3115849
1 762485 rs12095200 C A . PASS AF=0.100546 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00192326:0.00419875:0.189153:0.100546:57086:rs12095200
1 762589 rs3115848 G C . PASS AF=0.869797 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000902445:0.00355721:0.097055:0.869797:57086:rs3115848
1 762592 rs3131950 C G . PASS AF=0.869797 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000902346:0.00355721:0.0970436:0.869797:57086:rs3131950
1 762601 rs3131949 T C . PASS AF=0.869794 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000903709:0.00355722:0.0972043:0.869794:57086:rs3131949
1 762632 rs3131948 T A . PASS AF=0.870123 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.000994787:0.0035586:0.108001:0.870123:57086:rs3131948
1 764191 rs7515915 T G . PASS AF=0.127311 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.000839299:0.00356145:0.0895378:0.127311:57086:rs7515915
1 766007 rs61768174 A C . PASS AF=0.10687 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00174564:0.00387505:0.18551:0.10687:57086:rs61768174
1 766105 rs2519015 T A . PASS AF=0.853714 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.00437661:0.00348176:0.680363:0.853714:57086:rs2519015
1 767393 rs538667473 A C . PASS AF=0.00173392 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID -0.0125616:0.0303693:0.168036:0.00173392:57086:rs538667473
1 768116 rs376645387 A AGTTTT . PASS AF=0.837347 ES:SE:LP:AF:SS:ID 0.00143158:0.00345475:0.168387:0.837347:57086:rs376645387