Trait: Diagnoses - secondary ICD10: Z86.4 Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse.
name | value |
id | UKB-b-1585 |
trait | Diagnoses - secondary ICD10: Z86.4 Personal history of psychoactive substance abuse |
note | 41204#Z864: Output from GWAS pipeline using Phesant derived variables from UKBiobank |
year | 2018 |
author | Ben Elsworth |
population | European |
sex | Males and Females |
sample_size | 463010 |
ncase | 11793 |
ncontrol | 451217 |
units | SD |
build | HG19/GRCh37 |
group_name | public |
access | public |
nsnp | 9851867 |
mr | 1 |
category | Binary |
batch | UKB-b |
sd | NULL |
priority | 1 |
consortium | MRC-IEU |
name | value |
gwas_id | ukb-b-1585 |
bcf_file | ukb-b-1585.vcf.gz |
qc_metrics_file | qc_metrics.json |
metadata | metadata.json |
refdata | 1kg_v3_nomult.bcf |
compile_time | 2020-05-10 08:21 BST |
build_version | run_igd-8f4f4c9-2020-05-09 |